May 13 remark - Horses’ Mouths – 8 July 2014
May 13 remark
It's only when the intention is to incite hatred could (it) be considered a crime.
Mujahid Yusof Rawa, National Unity Consultative Council member, claiming deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's statement that another May 13 race riot is "not impossible" would not be an offence under the harmony bills if they are passed as law
Guan Eng's response seems like his party is the one mentioned by Muhyiddin to be questioning the position of Islam.
Muhammad Fauzi Asmuni, Isma vice-president, taking a swipe at Lim Guan Eng, who had criticised Muhyiddin over his remark that the May 13 racial riots could recur
Is it wrong for a national leader to remind the people to safeguard unity? What is Lim's motive in twisting what the DPM had meant to turn it into a threat? To me, this is normal of Lim, who always assumes the worse and sensationalizes issues with ill-intentions. Maybe Lim should reflect and consider what he and his party had contributed to the national unity, which is becoming more and more fragile today.
Khairy Jamaluddin, UMNO Youth chief, flaying DAP’s Lim Kit Siang for manipulating Muhyiddin’s remak on May 13
Prof Mohammad Redzuan Othman
For me, there is nothing unusual as the dean's contract was almost ending and certainly another dean will be appointed to replace him.
Idris Jusoh, second Education Minister, denying interference by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in the non-renewal of the contract of the dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FSSS) of Universiti Malaya, Prof Mohammed Redzuan Othman.
The fate of Selangor MB
This (resignation rumours) is not true. I just came out of a meeting and now I am going to enter another meeting. Nevermind, these people are just wasting their time.
Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, Selangor MB, brushing aside rumours that he will resign today as a "waste of time"
The extradition of Muhammad Rizalman Ismail
At the moment he is still in the hospital.
Zulkifeli Mohd Zin, Armed Forces chief Gen, announcing that Muhammad Rizalman Ismail still undergoing treatment in hospital and will not be extradited soon
Pig farms
This virus is different from the Nipah virus which was epidemic (occasional) while the JE is endemic which means it’s always present, with the only difference was whether it would spread or not.
Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister, insisting there is no need to destroy pig farms in Penang even though the Japanese Encephalitis (JE) virus is believed to be present in the state
Sumber HD - 8-7-2014
Eateries curfew - Horses’ Mouths – 7 July 2014
Malaysiakini and The Malaysian Insider
The Malaysian Insider and Malaysiakini give space and is the medium for the pro-opposition groups and those anti-Islam to issue seditious words. For these portals, if they criticise Islam and its followers, there is no problem. They hope the Malays will not reply or fight back. Harsh words are left to flood the comments section on their reports that are biased and seditious. Comments that do not favour their views are quickly deleted.
Azman Anuar, Mingguan Malaysia editor, attacking online media Malaysiakini and The Malaysian Insider for being a medium for "seditious" comments from "pro-opposition" readers
Muslim eateries curfew
If Muslims fast because no shops were open, then the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) has failed.
Zaid Ibrahim, former minister, criticising the directive that Muslim eateries must not open before 3pm during the Ramadan fasting month
Some people seem to think that shops selling Malay food cater solely for Muslim customers, especially during Ramadan.
Tan Keng Liang, Gerakan Youth chief
Another May 13 threat?
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has shocked the nation in threats published by Umno’s mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia that Malaysia could see another bloody May 13 incident if no efforts were made to preserve inter-ethnic harmony, especially when Malays and Muslims continue to be insulted. By blaming the non-Muslims and non-Malays if there is to be death and violence in any future May 13 riots, Muhyiddin is first dehumanising them should there be any violence on non-Muslim and non-Malays.
Lim Guan Eng, DAP secretary general
I don't want to say whether I agree or disagree. But the deputy prime minister's statement is a reminder to us all.
Liow Tiong Lai, MCA President
Not only should we be fair to the accuser but also to the accused. He should not be tried by the media. The New Zealand authorities have assured that Rizalman will be treated fairly.
Hishamuddin Hussein, Defence Minister, on extraditing Second Warrant Officer Muhammad Rizalman Ismailto New Zealand to face criminal charges of burglary and attempted rape
Protect Islam
Of late, pressures are mounting from various quarters who have questioned the position of Islam as the official religion of the federation and the implementation of laws by the Shariah Court.
Muhyddin Yassin, deputy prime minister, calling for Muslims in the country to unite against "various quarters" questioning Islam and the Shariah Court
Sumber HD - 7-7-2014
Dapur Jalanan sedia peguam hadapi saman DBKL

KUALA LUMPUR: Organisasi amal, Dapur Jalanan tetap meneruskan aktiviti memberi makanan kepada golongan miskin tegar bandar walapun berhadapan risiko disaman penguatkuasa seperti yang mahu dikuatkuasakan Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, baru-baru ini.
Ahli Dapur Jalanan merangkap jurucakap bagi salah satu kumpulan yang menjalankan aktiviti itu, Wong Kar Fai, berkata hal itu berikutan golongan miskin tegar bandar memerlukan pembelaan sewajarnya.
“Seharusnya, ini tanggungjawab kerajaan tetapi mereka tak buat dan bila orang lain nak buat mereka halang pula,” katanya ketika ditemui Selangor Kini selpas mengagihkan makanan sekitar Jalan Panggung, Pasar Seni, Medan Pasar dan Lebuh Ampang, di sini, malam tadi.
Katanya, sebelum ini kerajaan dijangka meminda Akta Papa 1977 dalam persidangan parlimen sesi Jun-Julai, baru-baru ini bagi membolehkan tindakan penguatkuasaan lebih keras diambil terhadap golongan miskin tegar bandar yang tidak berumah.
Bagaimanapun, pindaan itu tidak berlaku, sebaliknya kerajaan terus membuat persediaan seperti mengadakan pelbagai operasi menangkap golongan tidak berumah sebelum pindaan akta itu dilaksanakan.
“Kami tak tahu apa pindaan yang akan dibuat dan bila, tetapi yang pastinya kerajaan dah buat persediaan awal dengan mengadakan pelbagai operasi seperti Operasi Kasih, Operasi Cantas dan Operasi Bersepadu membabitkan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL), Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan, Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia serta polis.
“Kami cadangkan, Tengku Adnan turun tanya apa masalah golongan ini, apa mereka mahukan bagi mencari penyelesaian total, bukannya menyembunyikan kewujudan mereka daripada mata masyarakat dengan mengurung mereka.
“Antara keperluan utama yang harus disediakan kerajaan seperti peluang pekerjaan yang lebih baik, tempat tinggal dan tempat menyimpan beg,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, kebanyakan golongan miskin tegar bandar terbabit mempunyai pekerjaan tetapi diberikan upah yang rendah sekitar RM10 hingga RM20 sehari, sekali gus menyebabkan mereka tidak mampu menyewa rumah sebagai kediaman masing-masing.
Sumber HD - 6-7-2014
Tiket raya ke Pantai Timur habis

Tinjauan Bernama di Hentian Putra mendapati, kebanyakan tiket bas ekspres ke Pantai Timur, khususnya Kelantan laris 'bak goreng pisang panas' sejak hari pertama penjualannya, pada 20 Jun lalu.
Kerani kaunter syarikat bas Sani Express, Nor Haslieza Mohd Noor, 27, berkata pembelian tiket tahun ini amat memberangsangkan jika dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.
"Semua tiket perjalanan ke Kelantan mulai 25 hingga 27 Julai telah habis dijual dan buat masa ini tiada penambahan tiket perjalanan ke sana," katanya ketika ditemui di sini baru-baru ini.
Tinjauan di Pudu Sentral pula mendapati tiket ke Utara sudah mula dijual sejak bulan lepas namun, masih kurang mendapat sambutan.
Menurut seorang kerani syarikat bas, Suzizana Sulaiman, 36, tiket bas telah mula djual namun sehingga kini jumlah penumpang yang membeli tiket adalah rendah.
"Mungkin ramai menggunakan pengangkutan sendiri atau perkhidmatan pengangkutan yang lain untuk pulang ke kampung halaman pada tahun ini," katanya.
Sementara itu, tinjuan di Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) mendapati keadaan masih lengang dan penjualan tiket bas raya masih kurang mendapat sambutan.
Pengurus Kanan Operasi TBS Faizal Redza Redzuan berkata menurut rekod hanya lapan peratus penjualan tiket dicatatkan setakat ini dan ia dijangka meningkat sekitar minggu ketiga Ramadan.
"Kebanyakan pelanggan menunggu sehingga saat akhir untuk membeli tiket, jadi kita minta rakyat Malaysia yang ingin beraya di kampung halaman supaya merancang perjalanan lebih awal bagi mengelakkan masalah kehabisan tiket.
"Penjualan tiket telah bermula sebulan awal menggunakan sistem tiket bersepadu dan semua syarikat bas telah memuat naik semua jadual perjalanan bagi memudahkan pengguna," katanya.
Seorang pelajar jurusan Teknologi Maklumat universiti swasta, Muhammad Yahya Ali, 22, ketika ditemui di sini berkata beliau telah pun membeli tiket ke Muar, Johor bagi mengelak kesesakan menjelang Aidilfitri.
"Bagaimanapun, melalui pemerhatian saya, tiket ke Selatan masih ada dan saya berharap tidak timbul masalah kekurangan bas pada musim perayaan ini," katanya baru-baru ini.
Menurut seorang penjual tiket bas, Sharulnizam Ali, 32, penjualan tiket agak perlahan pada tahun ini berbanding tahun sebelumnya.
"Kami masih mempunyai banyak lagi tiket dan tahun ini sambutan agak kurang berbanding tahun lepas," katanya.
Secara purata, TBS yang menguruskan perjalanan bas ke selatan merekodkan sebanyak 120,000 keping jualan tiket apabila tiba musim perayaan.
Dalam pada itu, tiket bagi perkhidmatan kereta api ke Pantai Timur bermula 20 hingga 27 Julai telah habis dijual.
Pengurus Kanan Pemasaran Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTMB) Antara Bandar, Mohd Noordin Kimi berkata sebanyak 11,000 tiket ke pantai timur telah habis dijual setakat ini namun masih terdapat 1,824 tiket perjalanan bagi tarikh sebelum 20 Julai.
Katanya, sejumlah 17,571 daripada keseluruhan 26,808 tiket untuk tren berjadual ke seluruh negara telah habis dijual setakat ini.
"Perkhidmatan tambahan akan disediakan ke semua destinasi namun ia akan diumumkan kemudian," katanya. - Bernama
Sumber HD - 6-7-2014
Bantu kami dengan beri pekerjaan - Gelandangan
KUALA LUMPUR: Gelandangan yang tinggal di sekitar Kuala Lumpur enggan berpindah ke pusat perlindungan yang disediakan kerajaan kecuali sistem di pusat berkenaan ditambah baik.
Malah mereka lebih selesa hidup dalam keadaan serba kekurangan di kaki lima, di celah bangunan dan bawah jambatan berbanding hidup di pusat perlindungan.
Seorang gelandangan berkata, beliau menyedari kerajaan mahu membantu dan mengubah nasib mereka namun sistem perlindungan perlu diperbaiki terutama cara layanan.
Menurutnya, layanan yang diberikan begitu teruk selain dihina bagaikan sampah sehingga menyebabkan mereka tidak mahu tinggal di pusat perlindungan.
Beliau juga tidak mahu hidup terkurung di pusat perlindungan dan lebih selesa tidur di kaki lima apatah lagi mendapat tahu ramai gelandangan yang tinggal di situ sering dihina.
"Kami juga ada hati dan perasaan, jangan layan kami seperti itu. Jika benar kerajaan nak ubah hidup kami dan bantu, beri pekerjaan...biarlah usaha itu dilakukan bersungguh-sungguh dan bukan sekadar melepas batuk ditangga," kata Along dipetik Berita Harian.
Beliau sebelum ini pernah bekerja sebagai pegawal keselamatan, akhirnya diberhentikan selepas status lampaunya diketahui.
Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan bercadang menggubal undang-undang bagi menahan peminta sedekah serta mengenakan denda sekurang-kurangnya RM150 terhadap pemberi sedekah bagi mengekang amalan itu.
Terkini, kementerian itu menetapkan aktiviti pemberian bantuan kepada gelandangan tidak lagi dibenarkan di kawasan dalam lingkungan dua kilometer dari kompleks beli belah Lot 10 di Jalan Bukit Bintang di sini.
Peraturan ini bagi membersihkan ibu negara daripada pengemis dan gelandangan, dan di jangka bermula dua minggu lagi. - HARAKAHDAILY 4/7/2014
Sumber HD - 4-7-2014

Seorang gelandangan berkata, beliau menyedari kerajaan mahu membantu dan mengubah nasib mereka namun sistem perlindungan perlu diperbaiki terutama cara layanan.
Menurutnya, layanan yang diberikan begitu teruk selain dihina bagaikan sampah sehingga menyebabkan mereka tidak mahu tinggal di pusat perlindungan.
Beliau juga tidak mahu hidup terkurung di pusat perlindungan dan lebih selesa tidur di kaki lima apatah lagi mendapat tahu ramai gelandangan yang tinggal di situ sering dihina.
"Kami juga ada hati dan perasaan, jangan layan kami seperti itu. Jika benar kerajaan nak ubah hidup kami dan bantu, beri pekerjaan...biarlah usaha itu dilakukan bersungguh-sungguh dan bukan sekadar melepas batuk ditangga," kata Along dipetik Berita Harian.
Beliau sebelum ini pernah bekerja sebagai pegawal keselamatan, akhirnya diberhentikan selepas status lampaunya diketahui.
Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan bercadang menggubal undang-undang bagi menahan peminta sedekah serta mengenakan denda sekurang-kurangnya RM150 terhadap pemberi sedekah bagi mengekang amalan itu.
Terkini, kementerian itu menetapkan aktiviti pemberian bantuan kepada gelandangan tidak lagi dibenarkan di kawasan dalam lingkungan dua kilometer dari kompleks beli belah Lot 10 di Jalan Bukit Bintang di sini.
Peraturan ini bagi membersihkan ibu negara daripada pengemis dan gelandangan, dan di jangka bermula dua minggu lagi. - HARAKAHDAILY 4/7/2014
Sumber HD - 4-7-2014
Zam’s wrath - Horses’ Mouths – 4 July 2014
Zam’s wrath against MCA continues
The treachery it committed in the 2008 and 2013 general elections by playing up several sensitive issues hurt MCA, Umno and BN, without the MCA leaders being aware. Or was this a joint effort (involving MCA leaders)?
Zainuddin Maidin, former information minister, training his guns on MCA-owned English daily, The Star
IGP according to MyWatch chairperson
He is the biggest joker of all.
R Sri Sanjeevan, MyWatch chairperson, responding to Inspecto-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar’s claim hat the MyWatch chairperson did not cooperate with the police in their investigations regarding errant cops
MCA tries to show as though hudud is the only thing PAS is fighting for. I can say that for PAS, hudud is about number 20 on our list. They are so many other issues like corruption, justice, welfare and well-being of the people that we are fighting for.
Abdul Rahman Kasim, Penang PAS national unity bureau deputy chief, on Penang MCA Youth’s effort to collect signatures from the Chinese community for its anti-hudud petition
The sink holes of Jalan Imbi
If need be, TNB will take action to ensure the system is intact and to protect our customers’ interest.
Mohd Aminuddin Mohd Amin, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) corporate affairs and communications senior general manager, confirming that there was no damage to underground electrical cables in Jalan Imbi in Kuala Lumpur following a cave-in incident in the area
No confidence vote against Sabah CM
As the chairperson of Esscom, it is his responsibility to ensure the overall security of the state.
Chan Foong Hin, Sri Tanjong assemblyman, on filing an application to move a vote of no confidence against Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman, in light of several kidnappings on the state’s east coast this year
MAS to be privatised?
The resolution of this review will be made after due consideration and after respective approvals from the relevant parties and authorities, including the approval of the Special Shareholder, Minister of Finance, Incorporated.
Khazanah Nasional, government investment arm, calling reports that Malaysia Airlines (MAS) is to be privatised for restructuring as pure speculation
As of now, the company is not aware of any decision that has been made by both of them on this matter.
Malaysia Airlines
Sumber HD - 4-7-2014
Road collapse - Horses’ Mouths – 3 July 2014
Another 5 highways
In general, the state government has agreed, but we have placed similar conditions like conditions imposed on Kidex.
Khalid Ibrahim, Selangor MB, confirming hat the Selangor government has granted conditional approvals to five new expressways apart from the controversial Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex), which has earned heavy opposition from the public for lacking transparency and viability
‘Go die’
Thuggish behaviour or wishing death towards a fellow component party will never succeed in regaining voters’ trust and national reconciliation. On the contrary, they will cost BN more ballots.
Ti Lian Ker, MCA religious harmony bureau chairperson, criticising former Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin for asking MCA to "go die" in an attack launched against the party two days ago
Rizalman going back to New Zealand
The Government of Malaysia has decided to send back to New Zealand, Second Warrant Officer Muhammad Rizalman Ismail, former Defence Staff Assistant at the High Commission of Malaysia in Wellington, to assist in the investigation for the charges of burglary and assault with intent to commit rape. Mr. Muhammad Rizalman will be accompanied by a Senior Military Officer from the Ministry of Defence.
Malaysia Foreign Ministry, confirming that Malaysian diplomatic attache Muhammad Rizalman Ismail will be sent to New Zealand in connection with the sexual assault and burglary charges against him
Mah replacing Wathyamoorthy?
I need to confirm details with other ministries in the next two days. Press conference at… Putrajaya on Monday.
Mah Siew Keong, Gerakan President, on his role as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department that reportedly oversee the Hindu Board Endowment
Seized Bibles
There is a resolution and now it is in the process of implementation. I cannot give more comments as it has already begun. I will announce it later.
Khalid Ibrahim, Selangor MB, on the fate of the seized Iban and Malay language copies of the Bible
More attacks on Selangor MB
Khalid’s attitude and actions continue to cause fissure among parties and leaders, including a large portion of the state assemblypersons who feel there is a need for a change in the MB post to ensure Pakatan Rakyat’s performance in Selangor.
Amirudin Shari, Selangor PKR secretary
Bukit Bintang road collapse
MRT Corp wishes to state unequivocally that the incidents are not related in any way to the MRT project. The alignment of the MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang Line does not pass that location.
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn Bhd (MRT Corp), on the road collapse incidents at the Jalan Pudu-Jalan Imbi-Jalan Hang Tuan intersection this morning
Sumber HD - 3-7-2014
Fate - Horses’ Mouths – 2 July 2014
The fate of Muhammad Rizalman Ismail
I have no problems with that (extradition), but need to discuss with Wisma Putra.
Hishamuddin Hussein, Defence Minister, announcing that his ministry is currently in talks with the Foreign ministry on the fate of Muhammad Rizalman, who was accused of sexual assault while on duty with the Malaysian High Commission in New Zealand
The fate of Prof Redzuan Othman
The decision was made after University Malaya took into account Professor Mohammad Redzuan’s retirement next year, and to give the opportunity for his deputy, Dr Amir Saifude Ghazali to accustom himself to the responsibilities of a director of an independent research body. However, Professor Mohammad Redzuan can still continue contributing his expertise as a UMcedel researcher and a professor in the History Department at the Faculty of Arts and Social Science. His knowledge and wisdom would certainly be an asset in expanding research in politics and allowing UMcedel to become a top political research body in this country.
Mohd Amin Jalaludin, Universiti Malaya (UM) vice-chancellor, denying that the Education Ministry pressured Professor Mohamad Redzuan Othman to resign as UM’s Centre for Democracy and Elections (UMCEDEL) director
Nobody asked him to resign. He has completed his two terms as a dean.
Zaini Ujang, Education Minister secretary-general II
Statistical facts
It shows insecurity, lack of maturity on their part. I don’t know exactly what transpired and on what grounds they requested him to resign.
Ibrahim Suffian, director of independent pollster Merdeka Centre, on Education Ministry’s directive to the Universiti Malaya’s Centre for Democracy and Elections (UMcedel) director to resign over his research findings
Prevent dengue
Bazaar operators and visitors should ensure that cleanliness is maintained and rubbish is not thrown everywhere. That could lead to the water stagnating and forming breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes. Mosque and surau areas should also be free of mosquitoes.
Dr S Subramaniam, Health Minister
The fate of Selangor Menteri Besar
If PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin argues that Khalid has to take moral responsibility by resigning as MB, then what about Daroyah Ali? Didn't she also lose in the Kapar division polls? Should she let go of the Selangor executive council post just because she was not elected division chief? What then of the de facto leader (Anwar) and the president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail who do not have division level posts? Would their credibility in leading the party or position as Opposition Leader come to question because they have no division posts?
Faekah Husin, former Selangor Menteri Besar’s political secretary
‘Pergi mampus’ MCA
This shows MCA has no new ideas to find ways of returning Chinese support to BN, as it is not a dynamic party. Its only wisdom is to wear DAP's hat or by using the same DAP ticket. This action in attacking Umno, is a mark of a hypocrite and the actions of a person who has a forked tongue.
Zainuddin Maidin, former minister, on MCA’s decision to tread the path of DAP to attack Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi over his remarks about DAP assemblyperson, RSN Rayer
Sumber HD - 2-7-2014
What is my job? - Horses’ Mouths – 1 July 2014
What is my job?
I am still waiting for Prime Minister Najib Razak’s directive on my job scope. Probably in the next few days I will get a further directive.
Wee Ka Siong, MCA deputy president, on his new job as the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department
PKR Kuala Selangor polls
If there is pressure for re-election, we will oppose it. The same goes for a recount, when they have already agreed with the decision and have signed the ballot results. Khalid has to accept defeat. He can try again after three years to come back and compete to win.
S. Manikavasagam, former Kapar MP, opposing Selangor menteri besar’s political secretary Azman Abidin’s suggestion that voting for Kuala Selangor be held again following Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim’s defeat
Redzuan Othman
A couple of months back, the current vice-chancellor of UM was approached by some Education Ministry officers who advised that Redzuan should resign. He took it in stride. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to help, so I resigned as a sign of protest and to show my solidarity.
Saifuddin Abdullah, former Temerloh MP, stating his support for Universiti Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections (UMCEDEL) director Redzuan Othman, who had been asked to resign from his position as the survey body's director
What has Muhyiddin to show in more than a year as the powerful education minister, gobbling up the former Ministry of Higher Education in the field of tertiary education, apart from the latest disgraceful episode of interference with and violation of academic freedom, resulting in the resignations of Redzuan and Saifuddin from the Universiti Malaya?
Lim Kit Siang, DAP advisor, insisting that it was Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin who should resign from his post and not Redzuan or Saifuddin
If Prof Redzuan were to be removed, it has to be purely on academic reasons. Any other reason, especially if it comes from outside the university, is an unacceptable intervention. This indicates that the government has no idea what makes a good university, it has no respect for academic autonomy and freedom.
Azmi Sharom, Universiti Malaya's Academic Staff Union (PKAUM) chief
This was the top management's response when I asked why Professor Redzuan is no longer Arts and Social Sciences Faculty dean. This excuse is childish and does not make sense. If he feels he is too old and cannot do the job, then he would not have even nominated himself as a candidate for the faculty's dean. If age is the criteria, then the University Senate chairperson, too, should not hold the post as he is almost 80 years old.
Fahmi Zainol, UM Student Council president, on the top management of UM’s claim that Redzuan's tenure was not renewed due to "age factor"
Sedition Act
Many people might get angry... But because sedition is allowed (once the law is repealed), those who are interested in setting up a Republic of Malaysia have the right and freedom to continue their campaign. The possibility is chaos will take place in the country. This is the consequence of the liberal attitude that we are celebrating.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad, warning that chaos would reign in the country if the Sedition Act is abolished
Sumber HD - 1-7-2014
US Air Force just battled one of their most feared foes
In what was one of the most outrageous Dissimilar Air Combat Training (DACT) opportunities of the decade, and the first time the F-22 Raptor made a SE Asia international exercise appearance, Cope Taufan brought the US and Malaysian air arms closer together in a wonderfully aggressive manner.
Cope Taufan is a biennial exercise between Malaysia and the US, and it has grown over the past few evolutions to become one of the premier multinational air combat exercises in the hemisphere. For 2014, America's most capable air-to-air fighters were deployed to take part, and sending the Raptor to Malaysia fired a strong message to potential foes and potential allies throughout the region.
The sheer mix of dissimilar fighter aircraft presented by Malaysia's small but potent air force makes sending America's best fighters and crews halfway around the world, at least when it comes to the Massachusetts Air National Guard and their F-15Cs, well worth the investment.
Read the full story here
Sumber HD - 30-6-2014
World’s longest bull market masks Malaysia risks
The world’s longest-running equity rally is losing steam.
Malaysia’s benchmark stock index, one of the first to begin rebounding from the global financial crisis, is headed for its smallest first-half return since 2008. The FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Index (FBMKLCI) has gained just 0.8 percent this year, after rising 127 percent from its October 2008 low in the longest bull market among nations in the MSCI All-Country World Index.
Record household debt, equity valuations that exceed the average level of the past five market peaks and slower earnings growth at companies from Petronas Dagangan Bhd. (PETD) to Maxis Bhd. (MAXIS) are taking the sheen off Southeast Asia’s second-biggest stock market. While share purchases by the nation’s 587 billion-ringgit ($182 billion) pension fund support prices, money managers at Samsung Asset Management Co. and BlackRock Inc. favor stocks in Thailand and China.
Read the full story here
Sumber HD - 30-6-2014
Ego, a serious disease
I am just a simple person from a modest family. How could my ustaz (would remain anonymous in this article) view me as a person with ego?
My understanding of ego was limited. I thought it only applied to the elite group of the rich individuals that often like to show off their wealth and might to others.
I thought it only applied to people who had something to brag about of their success stories and position in society, especially those with titles of Datuk, Tan Sri, etc.
However, it was not the case. I was ignorant and due to my ‘ego’ and ignorance that held me back from asking clarification from my ustaz about the ‘ego’ he saw in me.
By my ustaz did not give up on me. As time passed, he continued to use his own ways to make me aware of my egoistic character. In the end, I managed to list down my negative attitudes. A list that left me stunned, as all along I thought that I did not have any ego.
Being defensive
I had an overly imaginative mind; a mind that often took the defensive side when interpreting a particular circumstance.
For example: On my way to the kitchen if someone asked me to get a glass of water for him, my brain would play up the following thought: “What? You think I am your slave. Go get it yourself.”
Always say, “No”
I was the kind of person who found it hard to accept the views of others. If I had perceived something in my mind, I would stick to it. It was never easy for me to listen to others. I doubted their views, and worse,some
I would just kick right out the door. In short, there was no moment that I thought I could be wrong. I was always right.
As an example, someone advised me to try out a different path to reach my destination earlier. My ego would take over by belittling the advice, saying it was not worth the risk, not worth the time to find out and in the end, I would end up using my own path. I would just follow my way egoistically.
Jealousy, envy
In the past, I always felt envious with everyone around me, especially when I did not get the same treatment, praises or benefits that others did. I had always felt I deserved more and better than others. My ego would make me resentful towards them and see them as my enemies if they had more, or better than I had.
Nothing was more important than my own interests and benefits in my old self. I expected a justifiable return for everything I did. I just was concerned about getting what I wanted, even at the expense of bringing problems to others.
Stop learning
My ego believing I was intelligent had stopped me from learning. I ceased having interest to improve my understanding of things even when I did have a question in my mind. Over the years, I developed a rigid mindset as I limited myself from learning. My knowledge was limited by my ego.
The things went so bad that I even avoided contributing ideas just because I feared that people might find me not knowledgeable enough. This fear also drove me to become defensive whenever someone asked me any question because I feared that my answers would expose my weakness and made me look like an idiot contrary to my ego that wanted me to feel intelligent.
Today, I am aware of those characters listed above whenever they pop up in my life. The change did not come easy as I failed to control my ego and thoughts over and over again. But with a little discipline, I managed to make it this far. It takes me a lot of courage to face and acknowledge the existence of many egos that were controlling my life. It also takes a lot of guts to write it down and share it with others.
Being aware of my egos does not mean that my egos have been eliminated from my life. Being aware means I know when my egos are attempting to take control, and I can take action to counter it.
In short, I have become aware of my egos to stop it from messing my thoughts. You, too, can become the awareness of your own egos through a little discipline and practice. To start, you just need a paper to list down your negative characteristics, admit and face them courageously. Tame your egos, and you will find the real you.
Ego is a serious disease that afflicts our human race. It is the source of human disputes and communication breakdown. It’s time for everyone to be aware of it. - ES
Sumber HD - 30-6-2014
Speedy recovery - Horses’ Mouths – 30 June 2014
What is the point of becoming a Cabinet minister if they remain silent and dare not speak up in Cabinet meetings what they had loudly opposed outside in the press? All three new MCA and Gerakan Cabinet ministers should then report to the public whether they raised up these issues and what is the Cabinet’s decision.
Lim Guan Eng, DAP secretary general, calling the three newly-elected Chinese ministers should declare their position on hudud and Malaysia's status as an Islamic or secular state when the Cabinet sits next Wednesday
Replace the Home Minister
It is obvious that Zahid can’t tell what is right or wrong, and the question again arises if he is committed to uphold the rule of law, peace and harmony in the nation.
Teresa Kok, Seputeh MP, opining that Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi should have condemned yesterday's cow head incident at RSN Rayer’s home and assured the Penang lawmaker of his safety instead of labelling him a "loose cannon"
But certainly, as a mature labour union, we are hopeful that the unionists should have the larger picture in mind. They should realise that we have indeed come to a crucial moment. Mere grouses of the unions should be addressed separately and we need to draw a line very clearly here.
Ong Tee Keat, former Transport Minister, warning that a standoff between the ailing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and its employees’ unions (MASEU) will only hasten the airline’s downfall
Questions surround the Selangor-MB bashing
To be taken seriously, the PKR and Pakatan leaders need to show us by what criteria they are judging Khalid and what specific credentials are required of a Pakatan Rakyat menteri besar, i.e. In what specific way will the replacement MB be qualified as against Khalid Ibrahim’s credentials?
Kua Kia Soong, Suaram advisor
Radar system
Would the MH370 have gone missing if the audit was conducted, recommendations for improvement done and a more effective radar system employed? Once more, for the sake of the safety of Malaysians and visitors to our country, I urge the minister to investigate the efficacy of our civil aviation radar system.
Nurul Izzah Anwar, Lembah Pantai MP, urging Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai to release the audit on the civil aviation radar system, which may have contributed to the prolonged ongoing search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
Pakatan Rakyat
The rakyat does not want to see quibbling Pakatan Rakyat leaders. They want to see a pro-active Pakatan Rakyat government who will go out of its way to share the rakyat’s burden and ease the pain of their plight.
Tony Pua, Petaling Jaya Utara MP, on the media war DAP had with Selangor MB on the recent water cuts in Selangor
Speedy recovery to PAS President
Visited Tuan Hj Hadi at the hospital just now. May he have a speedy
recovery, InsyAllah (God willing).
recovery, InsyAllah (God willing).
Najib Razak, Prime Minister
Sumber HD - 30-6-2014
Cuaca panas dan kering bukan El Nino - NARC
KUALA LUMPUR: Cuaca panas dan kering yang melanda Malaysia ketika ini tiada kaitan langsung dengan fenomena El Nino, kata Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan Antartika Kebangsaan (NARC) Prof Datuk Dr Azizan Abu Samah.
Sebaliknya beliau berkata keadaan itu berlaku disebabkan Monsun Barat Daya yang berlangsung dari pertengahan Mei lalu dan dijangka berlarutan sehingga September ini.
"Jadi, apa yang kita hadapi sekarang ialah fenomena cuaca lazim yang seringkali dikaitkan dengan Monsun Barat Daya iaitu kita akan mengalami musim yang lebih kering daripada biasa," katanya sambil menambah El Nino belum bermula lagi dan tiada tanda-tandanya setakat ini.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada Bernama selepas menjadi tetamu khas untuk rakaman program Ruang Bicara terbitan Bernama TV di Wisma Bernama di sini.
Pada awal Mei lalu, Pejabat Kaji Cuaca United Kingdom meramalkan kemungkinan besar fenomena El Nino, yang mengakibatkan peningkatan suhu dan taburan hujan, akan melanda rantau Asia Tenggara pertengahan tahun ini.
El Nino adalah fenomena pemanasan suhu permukaan laut yang berlaku dalam tempoh enam bulan berturut-turut setiap dua hingga empat tahun di timur Lautan Pasifik.
Ia boleh menyebabkan rantaian perubahan iklim berlaku di seluruh dunia dan antara kesannya ialah hujan lebat di sesetengah kawasan sementara di kawasan lain, berlaku kemarau berpanjangan.
Menurut Azizan, berdasarkan 'kitaran angin' di Malaysia, musim panas dan kering itu biasa berlaku antara Jun dan Julai setiap tahun, sebelum monsun perantaraan bermula menjelang Oktober.
Tambahnya musim hujan dan sejuk pula akan berlaku bermula November hingga Disember. – HARAKAHDAILY 28/6/2014
Sumber HD - 28-6-2014

"Jadi, apa yang kita hadapi sekarang ialah fenomena cuaca lazim yang seringkali dikaitkan dengan Monsun Barat Daya iaitu kita akan mengalami musim yang lebih kering daripada biasa," katanya sambil menambah El Nino belum bermula lagi dan tiada tanda-tandanya setakat ini.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada Bernama selepas menjadi tetamu khas untuk rakaman program Ruang Bicara terbitan Bernama TV di Wisma Bernama di sini.
Pada awal Mei lalu, Pejabat Kaji Cuaca United Kingdom meramalkan kemungkinan besar fenomena El Nino, yang mengakibatkan peningkatan suhu dan taburan hujan, akan melanda rantau Asia Tenggara pertengahan tahun ini.
El Nino adalah fenomena pemanasan suhu permukaan laut yang berlaku dalam tempoh enam bulan berturut-turut setiap dua hingga empat tahun di timur Lautan Pasifik.
Ia boleh menyebabkan rantaian perubahan iklim berlaku di seluruh dunia dan antara kesannya ialah hujan lebat di sesetengah kawasan sementara di kawasan lain, berlaku kemarau berpanjangan.
Menurut Azizan, berdasarkan 'kitaran angin' di Malaysia, musim panas dan kering itu biasa berlaku antara Jun dan Julai setiap tahun, sebelum monsun perantaraan bermula menjelang Oktober.
Tambahnya musim hujan dan sejuk pula akan berlaku bermula November hingga Disember. – HARAKAHDAILY 28/6/2014
Sumber HD - 28-6-2014
Carry on dreaming about the elusive change
A few decades ago, there were a series of comedy movies with the title beginning with ‘Carry on....’, my articles too, since the last two by-elections, have been talking about the possibilities of change in the way Malaysians do things.
I was really amused reading the Sun, Monday June 18 headlines, ‘MAS unions RAPPED’. The PAC deputy chairman was quoted:” If the demand and threats undermine MAS, and if they result in the collapse of productivity, how can MAS perform?” Wah! What words of courage and wisdom from PAC, to remedy an airline that is losing billions. This is the reason why everything is falling apart in Malaysia.
When things go wrong they always blame the tool or ordinary worker, in this case the union too. Anybody with an iota of self-respect and common sense knows that the workers are answerable to a pyramid of superiors that goes up to the top, the CEO. The PAC chairman is still alive and active, so why should the deputy make this unfavourable statement about MAS unions and workers? The MAS workers are majority Malays, thus wouldn’t the advice or warning from the chairman be more effective? Is it a policy that Umno must always be the good guys, therefore any detrimental statement about the other races and religions must come from some secretly Umno supported NGO? I wish our high officials will take responsibility and bravely act to show it.
Is it fair to blame workers, who are controlled by all the agreements and laws governing their work environment and productivity? The right to hire and fire, according to the collective agreements, is in the hands of executives. The workers did not produce or sign the contract for the ‘naked Nasi lemak’ which was served to passengers including our celebrity Chef Wan. They were not responsible for MH370 episode but were victims of it. They did not allow those with stolen passports to board the plane. They did not decide that the batteries and off season mangosteens be loaded on the plane. In fact, they could have sabotaged whatever our top officials were saying at briefings, by leaking the secrets though some of their fellow workers and their families were the victims. Tell me which Malaysian believes that the mangosteen season is before May. They did not decide that MAS should employ 20,000 workers for an airline that is smaller than Air Asia, which can get more done with less staff. They did not decide that MAS should buy RR engines, which failed frequently, instead of the original P&W engines for their Boeing aircrafts. I can list many more examples of things the workers were innocent about because the officials were the culprits who decided those things. Blaming them for MAS’s colossal failures and financial disasters is ‘unkindest cut of all’ using Shakespeare’s language.
The report also blamed the unions for failure of the merger between MAS and Air Asia. The PAC official also said.”(The) Ailing airline can’t survive unreasonable demands. If the demand and threats undermine MAS, and if they result in the collapse of productivity, how can MAS perform? So, I would say they are illogical and destructive to everyone, not only to MAS but to the image of Malaysia as well.” The report also highlighted and criticised MAS’s biggest union, (Maseu) for threatening to strike if its demands ‘to remove key management executives and for the government to intervene in the airline’s current issues were not met’.
In any organisation the workers are like the ‘worker ants’ doing everything for the ‘queen ant’, which is the manager of the nest. Like the soldiers ‘theirs is not to question why, theirs is to do or die’. MAS is very lucky because the workers have formed many unions according to category and skills. It makes it easier to deal with specific problems. The key to success in any set-up is the mutual respect and confidence which people involved display. My late brother worked with MSA and then moved to KL upon the formation of MAS. He headed the Avionics workshop. He used to tell me a lot about what happened in MAS and at their airport facilities. The corruption (under qualified and political appointments, pilfering of privileged materials, unnecessary travels and perks) that happen at the very top level management eat away a very large portion of the profits. Statistics of Haj and Umrah trips which some top officials have made will shock everyone. Some MAS families brag about more than a dozen trips including even during Ramadan.
Recently while coaching my grandson in his studies, I told him, “You have very good teachers, who give you plenty of homework.” His reply was,” My language teacher is a very lazy person who eats all the time. She does not mark the work and she scolds us most of the time. The Agama teacher is on the phone most of the time even during class” So the management (parents and HM) will think plenty of home work means hard working while the students (workers) know the truth about the quality, temperament and efficiency. The MAS management which is the cause of the airline’s failure should listen to the unions whose ‘bread and butter’ depend on the airline’s success. The bold and unpopular remedy Maseu is demanding deserves consideration.
Blaming the unions for the failure of the merger between MAS and Air Asia is wrong because mergers among companies involve the problem of who is in control. Let us not fool ourselves by throwing in our 4th PM’s opinion about the merger being good for MAS, because 22 years of his rule is the cause of many of the things wrong with Malaysia. When Bank Bumiputra, the pride of Malaysia, merged with a bank 25% its size to form CIMB, the joke was, ‘ular lidi telan ular sawa’. When a small firm merged with a large firm where my wife was the Admin and HR manager, her biggest problem was to make the small firm’s key personnel to work under her firm’s top officials. It is like having two teachers in the class at the same time or two HMs in one school. Somebody has to give in. What Maseu must have done was to highlight the workers’ and even the now the ungrateful MAS top management officials’ problems. We should not forget that MAS was losing millions while Air Asia was and still is a success story. Whose voice would have been the loudest?
What are the options for MAS’s future?
Option one is to pump in money to keep MAS’ name alive. Change the management to gain public confidence and bring new ideas to run the airline. The workers are the easiest to accommodate because their future depends on the airline’s success. Nobody wants to be jobless. Apply the rules to hire and fire. From history we know about one famous MAS strike during our 3rd PM’s period. Our aircraft was stranded in Australia because the transport workers’ union in Australia in support of MAS workers refused to refuel our aircraft for the return flight. Our brilliant PM got the then Australian PM’s support to get the aircraft refueled by the RAAF. The MAS management did not give in, the workers did. The strike is a way to break the unions’ strength. In late 1960s, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) went on strike. Less than 20% of us took the bold step to strike. Some of those who did, missed out for promotion.
Option two is to disband MAS and begin a new airline. All the old problems will become history. Of course, the management has to be bold enough to really hire the best in terms of work quality. They should apply this saying as their motto, ’He who pays the piper calls the tune’. I do not have much faith in BN doing this, because all they can think about is having a few RELA types of bodies to get votes for BN during elections for their continued survival by dishonesty. We still remember our Home Minister’s threat or joke to RELA during the Teluk Intan by election. Of course, we should also not forget the parasites who will line up at the back door to get projects and contracts for everything, ‘naked nasi lemak’ included.
Option three is to swallow the pride and let Air Asia take over. From its track record, AA will make our airline industry the best in the world. The AA management is the pride of Malaysia for the successes and innovations, though sometimes at passengers’ discomfort.
The third option will be the best news for us because we are starving for good news and recognition after our disastrous performance in the MH370 episode. We want MAS to be a forgotten bad dream. As long as MH370 is not found, we will remain the topic of international jokes for all the wrong reasons. Even our list of searches at wrong locations is enough to magnify our failures. Let us end this MAS blame game and find ways to solve the problem which is causing losses in billions.
Sumber HD - 27-7-2014
Custody case - Horses’ Mouths – 27 June 2014
Nurul Izzah’s divorce
The defendant must be present on Aug 7 to enable us to proceed with the case.
Ab Malek Awang, Lower Syariah Court judge, calling both Nurul Izzah Anwar and her husband Raja Ahmad Shahrir Iskandar Raja Salim to present in court in order for the divorce case to be heard
Interfaith custody case
The department (chambers) will apply to intervene in the proceeding at the Court of Appeal and the High Court and apply for a suspension of both orders by the civil and syariah courts on the police.
Abdul Ghani Patail, Attorney-General, seeking to intervene and suspend the custody orders issued by the civil and syariah courts
We are waiting for a response to this suggestion from the state government. We hope both the palace and state government can consider this. We don't want to see a clash between the two institutions. They should align. I believe no Muslim wants to undermine Islam even if there are different views.
Khalid Samad, Shah Alam MP, suggesting to restore Selangor menteri besar's power to advise the sultan on the appointment of the head of Selangor Religious Islamic Council (Mais) to avoid unnecessary clashes
Najib’s ISIL remark
ISIL was mentioned briefly and in passing, but it is important to note that the prime minister in no way indicated any support for ISIL. Any allegation to the contrary is completely false. The Malaysian government classifies ISIL as a terrorist organisation and are doing our part to combat them, for example by arresting suspected ISIL members in Malaysia.
Prime Minister’s Office, on Najib Abdul Razak's remarks when he alleged told UMNO members to emulate the courageous acts of ISIL militants
How had the media report of Najib’s remarks gone “out of all context”.
Clearly, the Prime Minister’s Office was trying to deny the undeniable that Najib had glorified ISIL/ISIS terrorism which is regarded as too extremist even by al-Qaida – although Najib did make the qualification of “whether we agree or not is another matter”. But this only raises the further question whether Najib is a secret admirer of the ISIL/ISIS jihadists?
Lim Kit Siang, DAP advisor
Petronas CEO under fire?
In 2010, we restructured the whole organisation, including the composition of the board... I brought in new capable people. The talk was that I had got rid of all the government servants, brought in the non-Malays, opened up Petronas, which belongs to the Malays, to the non-Malays. Are we not interested in competence. This is the predicament that I am facing at this point in time. There is a need for us to shape ourselves into a more professional organisation, but at the same time, I am being pulled back by politics, by interested parties, by parties with vested interests, by agendas that are outdated.
Shamsul Azhar Abbas, Petronas chief executive, on the interference in the national oil company
Who are these people (vested interests)? You cannot make just sweeping statements. It looks like the goverment is so bad. Who are these people? I don't think they are aunties and uncles from the kampungs. It must be important people.
Ibrahim Ali, Perkasa chief
Sumber HD - 27-6-2014
Kisah sebenar di sebalik kisah gadis didakwa murtad
" Inilah Kisah Sebenar Di sebalik Kisah Seorang Gadis Bernama Wahidah Yang Didakwa Murtad "
Dalam episod pertama TikaqBuloh juga telah memaparkan kisah ini. Untuk rujukan sila klik link di atas. Berikut ialah isi kandungan email yang TikaqBuloh terima daripada hamba Allah yang namanya terpaksa TikaqBuloh rahsiakan atas permintaan beliau. Diharap dapat memberi sedikit pencerahan kepada pembaca yang pernah mengikuti kisah ini.
Dua hari lepas TikaqBuloh telah menerima kiriman email daripada seorang hamba Allah yang mendakwa sebagai seseorang yang cukup mengenali saudari Wahidah yang ceritanya murtad telah banyak disebarkan di laman sosial.
Dalam episod pertama TikaqBuloh juga telah memaparkan kisah ini. Untuk rujukan sila klik link di atas. Berikut ialah isi kandungan email yang TikaqBuloh terima daripada hamba Allah yang namanya terpaksa TikaqBuloh rahsiakan atas permintaan beliau. Diharap dapat memberi sedikit pencerahan kepada pembaca yang pernah mengikuti kisah ini.
As salam saudara TikaqBuloh,
Saya ingin memberikan sedikit pencerahan tentang gadis yang bernama Wahidah yang kisah murtadnya saudara blogkan...Sebenarnya, beliau telah disahkan mempunyai masalah mental..gadis ini memang sangat brilliant tetapi Allah mengujinya dan keluarganya dengan penyakit mental..Dia pernah diwadkan di Hospital Kangar selama beberapa bulan disebabkan oleh penyakit ini, oleh itu segala kata-katanya tidak boleh diambil serius.
Ingin saya katakan keluarganya memang mengalami tekanan disebabkan oleh masalah ini..Saya tahu tentang dirinya kerana saya adalah sepupunya.....
Mohon sebarkan pencerahan saya ini untuk mengelakkan fitnah.....Dan mohon rahsiakan identiti saya.....Jika saudara ingin bertanya lebih lanjut tentang perkara ini, sila hubungi saya ya...
Sama ada masalah mentalnya beransur pulih ataupun tidak agak susah untuk saya agak kerana dia perlu sentiasa mengambil ubat...Sekiranya dia lalai, masalah itu akan muncul kembali...
Setahu saya dia belum murtad sebab dia masih mendirikan solat apabila keadaannya okay... Wallahualam...
Admin hanya menyampaikan amanah yang telah diberikan kepada admin untuk membuat sedikit pencerahan tentang kisah saudari Wahidah yang didakwa ramai orang telah murtad. Kepada sesiapa yang membaca dan kebetulan mengenali Wahidah silalah email tikaqbuloh. Bagi admin ini ialah isu besar kerana melibatkan agama.
# Harakahdaily tidak bertanggungjawab di atas segala info yang ditulis oleh pihak pengendali blog. Pandangan penulis blog tidak mewakili Harakahdaily.
Sumber HD - 26-6-2014
Bukan Mohd Firdaus sahaja OKU

JKM atau Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat perlu tingkatkan bantuan kepada keluarga yang ada OKU. Setakat RM150-RM300 mana cukup.
Tak perlu tubuh tabung, untuk bantu Mohd Firdaus, kerajaan cukup duit. Beruang panda pun pun kerajaan boleh bela, siap dengan kediaman berhawa dingin, makan pulak buluh import.
Nampak sangat baik menteri atau ketua wanita Umno ambil kesempatan.Bela rakyat setelah masuk tv dan surat khabar.
# Harakahdaily tidak bertanggungjawab di atas segala info yang ditulis oleh pihak pengendali blog. Pandangan penulis blog tidak mewakili Harakahdaily. Sumber HD - 25-6-20
Lagi isu wanita bertudung mangsa diskriminasi didedahkan

Isu diskriminasi terhadap wanita bertudung di negara ini sudah lama kedengaran serta dibangkitkan pelbagai pihak sejak beberapa tahun lalu.
Malah, mungkin ramai dalam kalangan kita beranggapan isu itu telah berjaya ditangani maksudnya "kes ditutup" selepas ini tiada lagi isu yang berbangkit, bukan?.
Ternyata tanggapan tersebut jauh meleset sama sekali, sebenarnya isu itu hanya tenggelam dan senyap buat seketika. Apa yang mendukacitakan sehingga kini masih ada wanita bertudung yang menjadi mangsa diskriminasi.
Baru-baru ini seorang kakitangan yang bekerja di bahagian pentadbiran sumber manusia di salah sebuah hotel terkemuka di Johor Bahru mendedahkan bahawa amalan diskriminasi terhadap wanita bertudung masih wujud dan berlaku di negara ini.
Beliau yang enggan namanya didedahkan itu mendakwa telah menerima arahan daripada pihak atasan pentadbiran supaya menolak resume calon siswazah atau wanita bertudung yang memohon jawatan pembantu khidmat pelanggan (Front Desk Assistant) meskipun di dalam hati membantah serta tidak boleh menerima keputusan tersebut.
"Saya tidak bersetuju langsung dan tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa. tiada peraturan serta garis panduan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak atasan berkenaan larangan wanita bertudung, cuma mereka memberikan sebab "bos besar" tak benarkan.
"Alasan mereka, pekerja wanita berhadapan dengan tetamu atau pelanggan tak perlu bertudung. Sepanjang pengetahuan saya belum ada peraturan, etika serta garis panduan yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak berwajib yang dikenakan kepada wanita bertudung," katanya kepada penulis.
Menceritakan pengalamannya semasa menghadiri sesi temuduga baru-baru ini, wanita berusia 26 tahun itu berkata, ahli panel penemuduga secara lisan memberitahu bahawa mereka boleh mengambil beliau bekerja tetapi dengan satu syarat, beliau perlu akur dan mengikut arahan supaya tidak bertudung.
Berang dengan kenyataan diskriminasi tersebut, beliau mempersoalkan kewajarannya, kerana skop kerja beliau di bahagian pentadbiran dan bukannya berhadapan dengan tetamu dan pelanggan hotel.
"Sepatutnya pengusaha syarikat perhotelan antarabangsa yang beroperasi di negara ini perlu cermin diri mereka terlebih dahulu, Tidakkah mereka mengetahui Islam adalah agama rasmi negara ini. Kenapa mereka hendak mencedok terus budaya diskriminasi diamalkan syarikat perhotelan di luar negara mengharamkan pengambilan pekerja wanita bertudung," soalnya.
Terdahulu, terdapat beberapa pemimpin NGO lantang menyuarakan pandangan isu diskriminasi terhadap wanita bertudung di negara ini.

"Misalnya, syarikat bukan Melayu tidak membenarkan pekerja Muslim memakai tudung. Lebih malang, ada syarikat bukan Melayu yang dianggotai ahli lembaga pengarah berbangsa Melayu. Tetapi, mereka langsung tidak memainkan peranan untuk mencegah penindasan sebegini," katanya lapor portal berita Sinar Harian pada 12 Disember 2013.
Muhammad Sha'ni berkata, laporan sebegitu pernah diterimanya ketika memegang jawatan Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia (Suhakam).
"Memang ada laporan yang kita terima daripada pekerja. Malah, saya pernah hantar surat aduan ke hotel yang tidak membenarkan pekerja Muslimnya bertudung. Kita juga ada hantar surat ke Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim). Tetapi, baru-baru ini kita semak, masih tiada perubahan," katanya.

"Konvensyen ini memberi penekanan kepada usaha menghapuskan segala bentuk diskriminasi terhadap wanita, termasuk dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Malaysia meratifikasi CEDAW pada 5 Julai 1995, ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan media pada 14 September 2013.
Timbul persoalan ke manakah pergi atau hilangnya suara lantang dan ketegasan pak menteri Pelancongan serta kumpulan NGO Melayu seperti Perkasa dan Isma?
Mungkin kumpulan NGO Melayu seperti Perkasa dan Isma terlepas pandangan mengenai isu diskriminasi wanita bertudung di negara ini. Sekarang isu ini telah dibangkitkan semula. Cukup-cukuplah jangan terlalu fokus kepada isu politik semata-mata.
Perkara ini juga perlu diberi perhatian dan diketengahkan oleh Perkasa dan Isma. Bila lagi nak berdemo di luar pekarangan hotel antarabangsa 5 bintang atau di bangunan Kementerian Pelancongan?
Sumber HD - 25-6-2014
20% pelajar menengah di Perlis ketagih ketum

Beliau berkata kajian Jabatan Pendidikan Perlis mendapati 20 peratus daripada pelajar tingkatan satu hingga enam di negeri ini terbabit meminum air ketum.
"Kerajaan negeri bimbang peringkat awal pelajar-pelajar ini menagih air ketum tetapi lama-kelamaan mereka menjadi penagih dadah, ubat batuk atau menghidu gam," katanya semasa berucap merasmikan sambutan Hari Guru peringkat negeri kali ke-43 di Dewan 2020 di sini semalam.
Azlan melahirkan kekhuatirannya bahawa pelajar yang menjadi penagih air ketum sanggup melakukan jenayah untuk mendapatkan wang kerana tidak dapat mengawal ketagihan.
"Saya sedar tanggungjawab ini bukan mudah untuk dipikul kerana guru juga perlu memberi tumpuan terhadap pencapaian akademik para pelajar. Namun saya harap guru yang kerap bersemuka dengan mereka mengambil kesempatan itu untuk membantu," katanya.
Pada majlis itu, Azlan menyampaikan anugerah Tokoh Guru Perlis 2014 kepada bekas Pengarah Pendidikan Perlis, Dariah Saad, 67, berupa sebuah plak dan wang tunai RM4,000 sumbangan Bank Rakyat. - Bernama
Sumber HD - 24-6-2014
Rulers and business - Horses’ Mouths – 24 June 2014
Rulers and business
They go on to do more and more until they become businessmen. They make bids for projects... of course they are highly respected and people don't turn them down easily… So it becomes necessary to point out this thing. It's very unpleasant because I respect the rulers. They are our rulers, but unless you put a stop to this practice, there'll be other people who'll want to make use of the rulers for their own purpose.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad, opining that Malay rulers should not be involved in business deals
Why not islam?
As such, in Islam, there is no dichotomy for a Muslim in conducting his private life and in his dealings with society and the government. Realities, though, can be different, considering the complexities of human nature and society. But Islamic values set norms for societies, recognising diversities and differences as well as realities. If, in the secular West, religion is allowed to influence government and Islamic values are proven to benefit societies (as indicated in the Economic Islamicity Index), why can’t the same apply to Malaysia?
Mohammad Abdul Hamid, head of the Media Secretariat of the Wilayah Persekutuan branch of Pertubuhan Ikram Malaysia
Allah issue
Malaysia is a multi-faith country and it is important that differences are managed peacefully in accordance with the rule of law and through dialogue, mutual respect and compromise.
Malaysia Government, insisting that Federal Court ruling on the Allah issue applied only to the Catholic weekly, Herald
Altantuya case
There was nothing (no way) for Altantuya's cousin to plant the evidence. The keys to the house were given by a police officer, who got it from ACP Mastor. We are saying we called all the relevant witnesses and that not an iota of evidence of a frame up. It would be despicable.
Tun Abdul Majib Tun Hamzah, deputy solicitor-general II, on how Altantuya’s piece of jewellery ended up in Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar’s jacket
If the ministry cannot even get its act together to explain and implement something as basic as PT3, how much confidence can be put in the many ‘achievements’ listed in the National Education Blueprint 2013 Annual Report?
Ong Kian Ming, Serdang MP, urging the Education Ministry to “get its act together” by properly explaining and implementing the PT3 (Form 3 assessment) that has been scheduled to replaced the current PMR examinations for Form 3 students
Chopping off heads
If they continue to ridicule the religion and the sultan, we will chop off their heads. It is better they get lost, better they die, better they don't live in this country than be a disease, a virus and a parasite on our religion, race and country.
Ruslam Kassim, Perkasa information chief, threatening to "chop the heads off" those who "ridicule" Islam and the Selangor sultan
PKR’s polls fracas
Some may have fought over a girlfriend two years ago. And when they meet now, they fight again. It might not be because of the polls.
Johari Abdul, PKR polls committee chairperson, on the violence at the re-election of two Selangor PKR divisions last weekend.
Sumber HD - 23-6-2014
PAS supports call to expose the corrupt
PAS leaders have come out in strong support of a recent proposal by Transparency International (TI), which had called for the real owners and shareholders of companies to be made known to the public to weed out the corrupt.
Tumpat parliamentarian, Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar said the party fully supported the efforts by TI to ensure that the level of transparency be improved and that any effort in camouflaging the benefactors of these companies be rejected.
Large companies such as those making millions or billions of profits yearly, must not be allowed to hide their true owners, and in making the ownership transparent to all, the owners and shareholders would be more responsible, he told English Section June 20.
“The government in power would also benefit for example in form of taxes collected,” he pointed out.
He was of the opinion that even though some effort had been taken to improve the situation especially when involving public listed companies, it’s effects had been minimal.
“I am sure”, he said, “if the suggestions made by TI were implemented in Malaysia, there would substantial improvements in good governance especially in the private sector”.
PAS research centre executive director, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad also lauded the proposal, saying these efforts and steps should have been implemented sooner.
“With Malaysia being mentioned as the one of the topmost countries with illicit capital outflow by Global Financial Integrity (GFI), we certainly would want these steps to be implemented in our country as well,” the former Kuala Selangor parliamentarian said when contacted recently.
“The G20 countries should implement the necessary steps and make it a global effort, and stop any illicit outgoing and incoming money,” he added.
There are many tools being used by these corrupt people to make them richer, such as money laundering, trade mispricing and the use of tax havens.
If the G20 countries could clean up their act, the rest of the world would follow, and I am confident the world economy would be in a much better situation compared to what it is right now.
TI on June 19 called for the G20 officials meeting in Australia to be held later in the year, to make it harder for the corrupt to hide behind secret companies.
Today many leading economies do not require or record information about who really owns or controls companies registered in their country, making it easier for corrupt individuals, terrorists or organised criminals to hide and shift their stolen wealth, it said in a statement.
“By making it mandatory for business registers to include information about the ultimate “beneficial owner” and making that information public, G20 governments will help to ensure that law enforcement and the public know who really benefits from every company registered on their soil,” said Transparency International Chair Huguette Labelle.
“It is time to unmask the corrupt who hide their identity and stolen wealth behind layers of secret companies and enjoy a life of luxury with impunity”.
The call for action on secret company ownership comes just ahead of a global meeting of NGOs in Melbourne – the Civil Society 20 (C20) Summit. Huguette Labelle will speak about how Transparency International will harness its more than 100-country global network to halt illicit financial flows stolen through the abuse of power, bribery and secret deals.
Secret company ownership is a problem that goes much further than tropical tax-havens, Transparency International warned. A lack of rules on beneficial ownership also prevents the publication of important information in key G20 financial centres. At the moment, 77 per cent of business registries in the European Union do not collect the names of the real beneficial owners of companies.
This leaves the door open to abuse. A World Bank report said that among the 213 cases of grand corruption studied over the last 30 years, more than 70 per cent showed ownership of the stolen funds had been disguised through the misuse of corporate entities, half of which were secret companies.
Time for G20 to act on promises
The following recommendations, if taken up, will make a huge leap in unmasking the corrupt and shed light on the secrets of the corrupt, their money and ultimately their power.
“After the financial crisis the G20 took on the role of making the global financial architecture more transparent and stable. Making companies more transparent, so that they cannot be used to hide the proceeds of crime and corruption is a responsibility of the G20,” said Labelle. - ES
Sumber HD - 22-6-2014
Tumpat parliamentarian, Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar said the party fully supported the efforts by TI to ensure that the level of transparency be improved and that any effort in camouflaging the benefactors of these companies be rejected.
Large companies such as those making millions or billions of profits yearly, must not be allowed to hide their true owners, and in making the ownership transparent to all, the owners and shareholders would be more responsible, he told English Section June 20.
“The government in power would also benefit for example in form of taxes collected,” he pointed out.
He was of the opinion that even though some effort had been taken to improve the situation especially when involving public listed companies, it’s effects had been minimal.
“I am sure”, he said, “if the suggestions made by TI were implemented in Malaysia, there would substantial improvements in good governance especially in the private sector”.
PAS research centre executive director, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad also lauded the proposal, saying these efforts and steps should have been implemented sooner.
“With Malaysia being mentioned as the one of the topmost countries with illicit capital outflow by Global Financial Integrity (GFI), we certainly would want these steps to be implemented in our country as well,” the former Kuala Selangor parliamentarian said when contacted recently.
“The G20 countries should implement the necessary steps and make it a global effort, and stop any illicit outgoing and incoming money,” he added.
There are many tools being used by these corrupt people to make them richer, such as money laundering, trade mispricing and the use of tax havens.
If the G20 countries could clean up their act, the rest of the world would follow, and I am confident the world economy would be in a much better situation compared to what it is right now.
TI on June 19 called for the G20 officials meeting in Australia to be held later in the year, to make it harder for the corrupt to hide behind secret companies.
Today many leading economies do not require or record information about who really owns or controls companies registered in their country, making it easier for corrupt individuals, terrorists or organised criminals to hide and shift their stolen wealth, it said in a statement.
“By making it mandatory for business registers to include information about the ultimate “beneficial owner” and making that information public, G20 governments will help to ensure that law enforcement and the public know who really benefits from every company registered on their soil,” said Transparency International Chair Huguette Labelle.
“It is time to unmask the corrupt who hide their identity and stolen wealth behind layers of secret companies and enjoy a life of luxury with impunity”.
The call for action on secret company ownership comes just ahead of a global meeting of NGOs in Melbourne – the Civil Society 20 (C20) Summit. Huguette Labelle will speak about how Transparency International will harness its more than 100-country global network to halt illicit financial flows stolen through the abuse of power, bribery and secret deals.
Secret company ownership is a problem that goes much further than tropical tax-havens, Transparency International warned. A lack of rules on beneficial ownership also prevents the publication of important information in key G20 financial centres. At the moment, 77 per cent of business registries in the European Union do not collect the names of the real beneficial owners of companies.
This leaves the door open to abuse. A World Bank report said that among the 213 cases of grand corruption studied over the last 30 years, more than 70 per cent showed ownership of the stolen funds had been disguised through the misuse of corporate entities, half of which were secret companies.
Time for G20 to act on promises
The following recommendations, if taken up, will make a huge leap in unmasking the corrupt and shed light on the secrets of the corrupt, their money and ultimately their power.
- Governments should require information about who ultimately owns, controls or benefits from companies to be included in central business registries and make them public.
- As an immediate measure, governments must require companies bidding for government contracts to disclose who owns, controls or benefits from the company. This helps ensure corrupt officials are not awarding themselves or their friends, government contracts without proper scrutiny.
- Countries with direct influence over secrecy jurisdictions should ensure that they establish public registers including beneficial ownership information.
- Bankers, financial institutions, lawyers and accountants must ensure they are not complicit in corrupt acts by undertaking full due diligence measures. Real estate agents, casinos and other such professions must also ensure they do comprehensive background checks and due diligence on the people and companies they work with.
“After the financial crisis the G20 took on the role of making the global financial architecture more transparent and stable. Making companies more transparent, so that they cannot be used to hide the proceeds of crime and corruption is a responsibility of the G20,” said Labelle. - ES
Sumber HD - 22-6-2014
Ugut, cabar keluar Malaysia sangat tidak matang

Justeru, pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia (IKRAM) menyeru semua pihak sama ada parti politik, NGO atau individu agar sentiasa beriltizam dengan semangat persekutuan yang telah dimeterai melalui pengisytiharan Malaysia pada tahun 1963.
“Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kita semua memelihara dan mempertahankan keutuhan setiap inci tanah air ini termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak,” ujar presidennya, Dr Mohd Parid Sheikh Ahmad.
Katanya, IKRAM terpanggil untuk mengajak seluruh rakyat Malaysia mempertahankan keutuhan negara yang satu.
Tambahnya, sebarang seruan ke arah sebaliknya, sama ada seruan secara emosi atau provokasi, perlulah dihentikan serta-merta.
Katanya lagi, keresahan dalam kalangan penduduk yang merasakan ketidakseimbangan agihan hasil mahsul negara perlu diselesaikan segera oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan.
Beliau menambah, IKRAM prihatin terhadap keperluan Sabah dan Sarawak kepada kemudahan asas seperti bekalan air yang bersih, bekalan elektrik, perumahan, pendidikan, perubatan, pengangkutan, lebuh raya dan yang seumpamanya.
Mohd Parid menegaskan bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak yang kaya dengan hasil bumi dan sumber manusia perlu dibangunkan secara optimum oleh kerajaan pusat supaya pulangannya kembali kepada rakyat kedua-dua negeri.
Ini, ujarnya akan memastikan pembangunan bersepadu yang lebih saksama serta mengelak perasaan dianaktirikan oleh rakyat kedua-dua negeri.
Sehubungan itu, beliau mengajak semua pihak supaya saling bermuafakat dan menghormati antara satu sama lain ke arah masa depan Malaysia yang lebih baik.
“IKRAM mengingatkan bahawa Allah S.W.T. mengajar kita semua untuk menyuburkan bumi ini dengan seruan-Nya, ‘Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin’ iaitu membawa rahmat dan kasih sayang kepada seluruh penduduk bumi,” ujarnya.
IKRAM juga, ujar beliau menyeru semua pihak agar menghormati Rukun Negara yang menjadi asas perpaduan.
“Sebarang seruan atau ancaman ke arah perpecahan perlu dihentikan serta-merta. Mari kita laksanakan seruan mulia ini,” kata beliau. - HARAKAHDAILY 20/6/2014
Sumber HD - 20-6-2014
Pejabat Khalid Ibrahim dipecah masuk pagi ini
KUALA LUMPUR: Pejabat Ahli Parlimen Bandar Tun Razak, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim di sini dipecah masuk pada awal pagi ini.
Pegawai Tadbir Pusat Khidmat Parlmen Bandar Tun Razak, Idris Mohktar berkata kejadian itu disedari seorang pekerja di pusat khidmat itu pada 7.40 pagi yang datang untuk memulakan tugas.
Katanya antara barang yang hilang adalah sebuah komputer laptop berharga RM2,500, duit dianggarkan RM2,000 dan walkie talkie berharga RM600 dan barang-barang lain.
“Apabila pekerja tiba pintu grill di bawah tangga bertutup tetapi pintu masuk dikopak dengan sistem kad akses masuk berterabur.
“Kami pekerja pada jam 9.00 pagi baru masuk untuk melihat apa barangan yang hilang,” katanya kepada Selangorkini.
Idris berkata pihak pejabat membuat laporan polis berkenaan kejadian itu di Balai Polis Salak Selatan untuk tindakan lanjut polis menjalankan siasatan. - HARAKAHDAILY 20/6/2014
Sumber HD - 20-6-2014
Pegawai Tadbir Pusat Khidmat Parlmen Bandar Tun Razak, Idris Mohktar berkata kejadian itu disedari seorang pekerja di pusat khidmat itu pada 7.40 pagi yang datang untuk memulakan tugas.
Katanya antara barang yang hilang adalah sebuah komputer laptop berharga RM2,500, duit dianggarkan RM2,000 dan walkie talkie berharga RM600 dan barang-barang lain.
“Apabila pekerja tiba pintu grill di bawah tangga bertutup tetapi pintu masuk dikopak dengan sistem kad akses masuk berterabur.
“Kami pekerja pada jam 9.00 pagi baru masuk untuk melihat apa barangan yang hilang,” katanya kepada Selangorkini.
Idris berkata pihak pejabat membuat laporan polis berkenaan kejadian itu di Balai Polis Salak Selatan untuk tindakan lanjut polis menjalankan siasatan. - HARAKAHDAILY 20/6/2014
Sumber HD - 20-6-2014
Ringgit falls as oil price surge raises fiscal deficit concern
The ringgit posted its biggest two-day drop since April on concern Malaysia’s fiscal deficit will worsen amid a surge in crude oil prices.
The government has reduced fuel subsidies as it aims to cut the deficit to 3.5 percent of gross domestic product this year from 3.9 percent in 2013. Brent oil climbed above $114 a barrel on June 13 for the first time in nine months as battles in Iraq between government forces and Sunni Muslim insurgents intensified.
“The situation in Iraq has oil prices going up and perhaps this is getting investors a bit nervous,” said Khoon Goh, a currency strategist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. in Singapore.
“There’s still a bit of the subsidy that the Malaysian government dishes out, so on the fiscal situation, that could lead to some deterioration.”
Read the full story here
Sumber HD - 16-6-2014
The government has reduced fuel subsidies as it aims to cut the deficit to 3.5 percent of gross domestic product this year from 3.9 percent in 2013. Brent oil climbed above $114 a barrel on June 13 for the first time in nine months as battles in Iraq between government forces and Sunni Muslim insurgents intensified.
“The situation in Iraq has oil prices going up and perhaps this is getting investors a bit nervous,” said Khoon Goh, a currency strategist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. in Singapore.
“There’s still a bit of the subsidy that the Malaysian government dishes out, so on the fiscal situation, that could lead to some deterioration.”
Read the full story here
Sumber HD - 16-6-2014
Dr M attempts to make Proton turns ‘right’
Now, Proton intends to be producers of cars with international standard, and as such consumers will need to pay more, says former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad June 9.
“You cannot get a good car and pay at a low price,” said Mahathir, who is also the Proton chairperson when asked on his plans for the national automaker.
Mahathir said Proton must shed its image as a producer of cheap and low quality cars by improving its quality to be on part with international standards.
He made those remarks at a press conference after delivering a speech at a workshop by the Human Life Achievement Foundation in Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning.
According to Bernama, Mahathir was unhappy about people complaining about the prices Proton’s ‘high-quality’ models - Preve and Suprima, which are sold at RM80, 000, way below other competitors who are selling at RM120,000 for similar quality vehicles.
In response, Mahathir reminded that Proton as a private company needs to remain profitable.
“If consumers want cheap cars, Proton will produce cheap cars. It will go three miles and break down,” he mocked.
Mahathir also lambasted the federal government for encouraging the import of foreign cars rather than improving Proton’s quality.
“When you import cars, the money flows out and you will not get any technology from it,” he warned.
On whether Proton would require government’s help to turn around, Mahathir cited how South Korea had aided private companies like Hyundai, LG and Daewoo to succeed.
In the end, he said, those companies become independent and self-sustainable.
Mahathir also complained why criticism was levelled only against Proton on government assistance, where other automakers, like Perodua also receives the same treatment.
"Perodua also receives government concessions. Why have the people never mentioned Perodua?" Malaysiakini quoted Mahathir as saying.
Last May, Mahathir took over the position of chairperson of Proton Holdings and Group Lotus PLC from Mohd Khamil Jamil, who remains as a board director.
Sumber HD - 9-6-2014
“You cannot get a good car and pay at a low price,” said Mahathir, who is also the Proton chairperson when asked on his plans for the national automaker.
Mahathir said Proton must shed its image as a producer of cheap and low quality cars by improving its quality to be on part with international standards.
He made those remarks at a press conference after delivering a speech at a workshop by the Human Life Achievement Foundation in Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning.
According to Bernama, Mahathir was unhappy about people complaining about the prices Proton’s ‘high-quality’ models - Preve and Suprima, which are sold at RM80, 000, way below other competitors who are selling at RM120,000 for similar quality vehicles.
In response, Mahathir reminded that Proton as a private company needs to remain profitable.
“If consumers want cheap cars, Proton will produce cheap cars. It will go three miles and break down,” he mocked.
Mahathir also lambasted the federal government for encouraging the import of foreign cars rather than improving Proton’s quality.
“When you import cars, the money flows out and you will not get any technology from it,” he warned.
On whether Proton would require government’s help to turn around, Mahathir cited how South Korea had aided private companies like Hyundai, LG and Daewoo to succeed.
In the end, he said, those companies become independent and self-sustainable.
Mahathir also complained why criticism was levelled only against Proton on government assistance, where other automakers, like Perodua also receives the same treatment.
"Perodua also receives government concessions. Why have the people never mentioned Perodua?" Malaysiakini quoted Mahathir as saying.
Last May, Mahathir took over the position of chairperson of Proton Holdings and Group Lotus PLC from Mohd Khamil Jamil, who remains as a board director.
Sumber HD - 9-6-2014
Eggs - Horses’ Mouths – 10 June 2014
Moderate Malaysia
There are some quarters who are trying to make very unreasonable demands. But as a government, these are voices from the fringe, like the American Tea Party equivalent in Malaysia,
Najib Razak, Prime Minister, on his commitment to his “promise” of a moderate Malaysia for all by staying true to the Islamic principle of “wasatiyyah”, or moderation
Johor Housing and Real Property Board Bill 2014
He (the MB) would have acknowledged that the power of the people is greater than the power of the monarchy and not proceed with the tabling.
Zainuddin Maidin, former minister, lashing out against Johor Menteri Besar Mohamed Khaled Nordin for rushing the amendments to the Housing and Real Property Bill without proper discussion and consultation
If (the sultan) interferes, I'm sure all problems will become worse, and the institution will be polluted.
Shahidan Kassim, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Development, on his disagreement with the Johor Housing and Real Property Bill 2014
Jail time for bigotry
These Bills if adopted can be powerful instruments to minimise and avoid racial and religious conflicts.
Mujahid Yusof Rawa, Parit Buntar MP, on the three national unity bills mooted by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC)
Cost of finding MH370
How to reveal the total cost when we still have not found the plane?
Hishamuddin Hussein, acting Transport Minister, claiming Malaysia has forked out RM27.6 million to date in food and fuel cost in the search for flight MH370
Najib’s eggs
I usually like my eggs half-boiled, three minutes, but the China official insisted that it must be 10 minutes, for health reasons.
Najib Razak, on how China had cared for him during his visit there last week
The Malaysian Insider
The website (TMI) has the second highest traffic among the pure digital local news portals in Malaysia. As an integrated regional media group, we are always looking for opportunities to diversify our media platforms, and we are happy to now have The Malaysian Insider as part of our portfolio.
Ho Kay Tat, The Edge Media Group (TEMG) publisher and group chief executive, on its latest acquistion of news site The Malaysian Insider
Sumber HD - 9-6-2014
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